About Homosexuality  

On the web: "Reality Changes Things"  |  A Vermont Mother Speaks Out  |  Parents Booklet by PFLAG

Homosexuality can be confusing

Many people in our country have made moral judgments about homosexuality ...based on flawed information.

Welcome! This website contains a wealth of information and well-reasoned thought for people who are trying to understand homosexuality—something that's not easy to do. If you're here for the first time, congratulations. You're taking an important step.


Thinking about sexuality, however, can be as uncomfortable as it is important, and it's not unusual to have strong feelings. So go easy on yourself and don't try to absorb all of this material at once. Bookmark this site and come back after doing some reflection. Talk about what you read with other thoughtful people.


A few useful links are repeated at the top of each page. Additional links are also sprinkled throughout the text to show at least one source for a piece of information, and reading even a few of them will enrich your experience. This site was originally written in 2004 and was published for about 10 years. I republished it in 2020 with an updated look and content, and I will continue with updates as time allows. Many of the linked articles are PDF copies of the originals because web pages tend to disappear from the web over time.


Is homosexuality a choice?

At the present time the United States is still trying to make up its mind about homosexuality...and especially about gay marriage. Central to the argument offered against homosexuality is that it is a choice--a choice to live a destructive, unstable lifestyle that can potentially damage our society.


However, this claim is being made without any real proof--and sometimes without serious thought. Read what this Methodist bishop has to say. It is a really good start on this topic. To use a rather awkward analogy, if proponents of the belief that homosexuality is a choice were able to market their message as a medication and ask Americans literally to swallow it, I don't believe the FDA would give them license to do so. They'd say there's not enough research to validate its "safety and effectiveness" (accuracy). They'd insist on more evidence.


We're not doing our homework

It should concern us that our country is not putting more effort into understanding the nature of homosexuality, given the message that is being put forth by some folks about the character and intentions of gay people. Unfortunately, many people who are outspoken about homosexuality know little about it. They speak with sensationalism, stirring up fear and hostility at the price of our families and national unity.

"Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong."

 Thomas Jefferson
 Notes on Virginia, 1782


Where are the scientific studies showing that homosexuality is the result of choice, and which studies show that gay lives are intrinsically unstable or that a change to heterosexuality is possible? It may be true that no definitive, widely accepted proof has been found that homosexuality is primarily genetic, but no proof has been found for the opposite either—yet we far too often act as if there were. And if one considers the Bible to hold that proof, then keep reading for at least the next few pages.


Why this website?

The purpose of these pages is to provide information addressing the concerns of those in our country who are upset about homosexuality. Part of the reason that those on the progressive side of racism, women's suffrage, and many other similar causes made the progress they did was because their causes had merit, and the suppositions underlying arguments against them were flawed. It’s likely that the same progressive outcome will happen with homosexuality.


Social change does not happen easily in a culture, even when it is later viewed as biblical. However, how much damage will be done in the meantime?


I believe that for many people the current decision to condemn homosexuality is primarily an emotional decision rather than one that is well thought out. Yet, the happiness and well-being of our sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and friends is at stake. We must learn how to live reasonably and knowledgeably with homosexuality. As you continue to read here you'll learn why many people's feelings are so strong on this subject, and how we can make some sense of homosexuality for ourselves.


What are the consequences of the outlook of those in our country who portray homosexuality as a sick, immoral lifestyle choice? Click below.


Consequences of this outlook